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Commissioner O'Bryan had heard of a Charter that was either called a "simple or <br />starter" type Charter. He asked Ms. Delegal if a county could go from Charter to non -Charter. <br />Ms. Delegal explained that a "starter Charter" is exactly as it sounds. It sets forth <br />the most basic things that a county would need and the function of it would not change the way you <br />govern right now. Further, the only thing that has to be constitutionally in the Charter is that you <br />have to choose which of the ordinances will prevail. The county would also need to articulate <br />how the Charter gets amended and it can be repealed. <br />6. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Mayor Thomas Cadden, Town of Indian River Shores, wanted to know the name <br />of the county that used "planned control growth". Ms. Delegal said it was Seminole County. <br />Jason Nunemaker, City Manager, City of Fellsmere, asked if there was a general <br />timeframe for implementation for Special Acts and Ordinance. Ms. Delegal said there was no <br />timeframe statutorily. <br />Andrea Coy, Councilmember, City of Sebastian, asked if there was any anecdotal <br />information about "grandfathered" Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRA), and whether <br />there were any restrictions. <br />Ms. Delegal replied that it would be subject to general laws, the laws that already <br />exist, and there were "grandfathering" provisions that are controlled by State law. She further <br />Public Workshop 01/17/07 6 <br />Charter Government <br />