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concerned about east-west evacuation routes, minimizing traffic, and maintaining the quality of <br />life. <br />Vice Mayor White inquired about widening Old Dixie Highway; it was pointed out <br />there is no right-of-way, there were numerous impediments, and it does not go all the way through <br />the city limits. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the planning that began 20 years ago to widen Indian <br />River Boulevard and the suggestion that it could be a model project with extensive landscaping. <br />County Administrator Baird expressed staff’s frustration that just when we get <br />thrd <br />rights-of-way purchased and begin designing a project, such as 27 or 43 Avenue, it is cancelled. <br />These roads were in the plans but when reality comes closer, nobody wants it in their backyard. <br />Commissioner Bowden was concerned about noise and heavy trucks on Indian <br />River Boulevard and commented she was unaware of the plan while serving 8 years on the MPO. <br />Mayor White specified he was opposed to the use of sound barrier walls to cut the <br />noise. <br /> <br />6. FIRE STATIONS <br /> <br />IRC <br />NDIAN IVER OUNTY <br />Emergency Services Director John King gave a PowerPoint presentation concerning <br />the Fire/EMS station repairs, replacements and expansions. (Copy on file in the office of the Clerk <br />to the Board.) He advised of damage to the stations by Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne in 2004. He <br />noted that many of the damaged stations were built as single function or were basic metal buildings <br />with limited life spans and not rated for major hurricane winds. He advised of the lack of backup <br />power capabilities and the importance of proper facilities due to the need for emergency personnel <br />to respond during and after emergencies. He presented a summary of funding for the planned <br />repairs, replacements and expansions with a total of $11,464,159. He then reviewed the specifics <br />for each of the following stations: Fire 1, Med 1, Fire/EMS Station 2, Fire Station 3, Fire/EMS <br />November 14, 2005 4 <br /> <br />