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Buildings 1 and 2.” He questioned whether the design was done right initially because they are <br />now finding out that it was not extensive enough and $62,064.00 was now needed to improve the <br />system. <br />Project Manager Steve Blum explained that it was an extremely complex aspect of <br />the building that has to do with the two large Atriums in each building. He also explained the <br />sequencing of automatic doors that were not functioning properly. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wheeler thinks it is a good system but was concerned with the <br />County having to foot the bill for something that should have been done correctly the first time. <br />Discussion ensued regarding who should foot the bill, if it is the designer’s fault. <br /> <br />MOTION WAS MADE BY Commissioner Wheeler, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Bowden, to approve staff’s <br />recommendation. <br /> <br />Administrator Baird said staff was also concerned but understood that it is a big <br />complex and adjustments are to be expected. <br /> <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the Motion <br />carried unanimously. The Board approved Change Order <br />No. 018, and authorized the County Administrator to <br />execute the Change Order that will then result in a decrease <br />to the Owner’s Contingency by $62,064.00 with no change <br />to the GMP, as recommended in the memorandum of <br />November 8, 2006. <br /> <br />CHANGE ORDER IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br /> <br />November 14, 2006 <br />11 <br /> <br />