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Commissioner O'Bryan inquired about the total balance in Sebastian's CRA funds, <br />and Mr. Minner said they have about a half million dollars a year, but have it split into specific <br />projects that are allocated. <br />Chief of Environmental Planning, Roland DeBlois, responding to Commissioner <br />Flescher's questions of where the County stood with regards to bond money, and how much we <br />have available, disclosed that there was about a $738,000 balance, and was expecting, in a year <br />from now, a reimbursement on one of our investments for Sebastian Harbor Preserve Property in <br />the amount of $5.5 million. He thought the other issue was, would this qualify for use of the <br />bond funds, which he explained. <br />Chairman Davis was not in favor of using bond funds and asked Administrator <br />Baird if we did this for educational, and eco -tourism purposes, what would be the most <br />reasonable non -ad valorem fees for this $500,000 to come from. <br />Administrator Baird said it would probably be the optional sales tax and we would <br />probably have to go back and reprioritize our budget because sales tax is off and if the Board <br />thought this was a priority they could take other capital projects and put this in. <br />Chairman Davis then questioned the use of impact fees, and Administrator Baird <br />said we could not legally use the recreational impact fees because the County does not collect <br />them in Sebastian. <br />Attorney Collins explained the legal use of recreational impact fees, which has to <br />be expended on recreational improvements to parks and recreational facilities under the <br />jurisdiction of the County, and that would not be the case here. He said they have to be used <br />exclusively in the areas where they are collected, and if we were collecting in the unincorporated <br />areas we could not spend it in the cities, so the impact fees were pretty much off the table. <br />5 <br />November 21, 2008 <br />Special Call Meeting <br />