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<br />be unacceptable when we do water supply planning. This concern has heightened over the past <br />year. <br /> Baxter Caston’s <br />In response toquestion,a resident in Sebastian, Barbara stated <br />that the SJRWMD is geographically and hydrologically separated from the Okeechobee area. <br /> <br />WATER CONSERVATION RULE - CATHERINE WALKER, <br />8. <br />P.E., ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF DIVISION OF WATER <br />SUPPLY MANAGEMENT, ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER <br />MANAGEMENT DISTRICT <br />Catherine Walker <br />, Assistant Division Director, works in water use regulations. <br />They evaluate requests for water and make sure those uses are efficient uses. She gave an <br />overview of their regulatory program and how it works. She talked about the consumptive use <br />permitting program (CUP), benefits and who needs a permit. They are looking for steps to lower <br />demands, increase the beneficial use of reclaimed water and stormwater, water use permitting <br />strategies to avoid impacts on ground water, and reduce future needs through increased water <br />conservation. This rule will be defined in December. The County is encouraged to educate <br />citizens, encourage landscape designing with native plants that require little supplemental <br />irrigation, look for opportunities to use stormwater or reclaimed water and support the <br />development of local ordinances that require native landscaping. She discussed the Landscape <br />Irrigation Rule that was heard by the Board yesterday. It limits irrigation from 10:00 a.m. to <br />4:00 p.m. and no more than 2 days per week. They want the local governments to continue the <br />program. This helps dampen peaks on utilities and spreads usage out over four days a week. <br />Included in amendments adopted November 14, 2005 is a provision that the water user can <br />demonstrate two days is not satisfactory and apply for a permit via the Internet. <br /> <br />9. CLOSING REMARKS – UTILITY DIRECTOR ERIK OLSON <br />SUSTAINABLE WATER RESOURCES 4 <br />November 9, 2005 <br /> <br />