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I <br />RWRANDUM <br />TO: Jack Jennings October 31, 1975 <br />PWKz.George Morgan <br />RE: Indian Summer Waste Water <br />Mr. Sigurd N. Hersloff, Jr., has requested approval to tie <br />the Indian -Sumner waste water into the county waste water system <br />in the Pebble Bay area. <br />-Rich votapka and myself have studied the feasibility of additional <br />waste water to the system and the following are the results: <br />The present connections on the systemduring peak flows produce <br />69,000 G.P.D. With the addition of 36 units from Indian Sunner the total <br />glow would be approximately 91,000 G.P.D. during peak flows. <br />The plant flow design is 100,000 G.P.D. Mathematically matching <br />'the actual glow (.091) against the design flow (.100) it would seem <br />.the plant could handle this flow. <br />Due to the fact that peak flows occur during approximately ten <br />hours of the day the plant would be hydraulically overloaded. The <br />plant would not meet D.E.R. efficiency requirements with this overloaded <br />condition. The result could be citations and fines and an unpleasant <br />odor in the area surrounding the plant. The present lift station <br />located at the southeast corner of the Indian Summer property will have <br />to be modified to handle the increased flow. <br />The solution to the problem is to install a splitter box with a <br />surge tank at the head of the plant. The motors at the lift station <br />would have to be increased -from 3 HP to 7� 11P to increase the nu. -nn <br />speed. A new duplex control panel would have to be installed to insure <br />u continual movement of wastewater into the lift station. <br />An estimated cost of this entire project would be $20,000. <br />Was <br />�ooK 38 PAcE 450 <br />