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Further, local Governments are now working together to develop alternative water sources and <br />determine which ones they will use to meet future needs. <br /> <br />8. SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT <br />A.FUECWSPR <br /> INDINGS OF PPER AST OAST ATER UPPLY LAN ELATED TO <br />DSLC <br />EVELOPMENT IN <br /> <br />Mark Elsner, <br /> Implementation Division Director, discussed the Upper East Coast <br />Water Supply Plan and the three counties (Martin, St. Lucie and eastern Okeechobee) that fall <br />into that region. He spoke of future water demands over the next 20-years and the sources that <br />will be used to meet those needs. He reminded the Board that they needed to maximize the <br />development of sources while protecting their resources. <br /> <br />Erik Olson, <br />Utility Services Director, recapped the major points from the <br />presentations and encouraged the Board to look beyond the next few years. <br /> <br /> <br />9. QUESTIONS <br /> <br />Discussion ensued between Commissioner Davis and Mr. Green regarding surface <br />water, the Upper Basin Project, water resources, usage issues, possible connections to the <br />reservoir through C-54 canal, permitting and capturing of the water. <br /> <br />Mr. Green <br /> responded to several questions posed by Commissioner O’Bryan <br />regarding adequate water flow to the Lagoon. Commissioner O’Bryan was concerned about <br />what surrounding counties were doing to meet future water supplies. Mr. Green mentioned St. <br />Lucie County’s aggressive growth and did not want them tapping ours. <br />December 6, 2006 <br />4 <br />ALTERNATIVE WATER SUPPLY <br /> <br />