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the Board might want to consider if they were going to consider developing attainable programs in <br />the community. He pointed out the need for the Board to consider programs and policies, promote <br />public-private partnerships, and stated that there really is no single solution. They need to think <br />about what is the appropriate role for the public sector to play in partnership with the private <br />sector. He stressed the importance in considering an array of approaches. He explained the <br />Treasure Coast Region's Workforce Housing toolkit, and how it tries to get to the leading policies <br />and programs that can be used to preserve and promote workforce housing, serves as a resource <br />document and a guide to workforce housing policy creation. <br />7. PRESENTATION BY COALITION FOR ATTAINABLE HOMES <br />Jim Goldsmith, President of the Coalition for Attainable Homes, asked the members of <br />the Coalition to stand and be recognized. He introduced Connie Poppell, a Coalition Board <br />Member, who read the following recommended strategies, and gave definitions using a <br />PowerPoint presentation (copy on file): <br />1. Invest in a Tri -Annual Study of Housing Needs <br />2. Develop Housing Goals and review annually <br />3. Encourage greater regional cooperation <br />4. Create a Community Land Trust <br />5. Create a Housing Trust Fund <br />6. Create a Community Development Corporation <br />7. Pass Inclusionary Zoning Ordinances <br />8. Alter Zoning Regulations <br />9. Index Impact Fees <br />10. Support New Construction Technologies <br />11. Consider the Impact of the Urban Service Boundary <br />February 1, 2007 <br />Affordable/Workforce Housing <br />Public Workshop <br />5 <br />