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<br />9.A.2. PUBLIC HEARING – ORDINANCE 2004-005 - WEST COUNTY <br />INDUSTRIAL PARK (80’ HEIGHT EXCEPTION TO SUNSET IF <br />NOT UTILIZED BY FEBRUARY 10, 2006) AMENDING SECTION <br />911.15(1) OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS <br />(Legislative) <br />PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR HEARING IS ON FILE IN THE <br />OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br /> <br />Planning Director Stan Boling said the proposed amendment would allow an increase in <br />building height to 80 feet for projects located only in industrially-zoned areas west of I-95 and in <br />parks of 100 acres or greater. On December 16, 2003 the Board directed staff to initiate a formal <br />LDR amendment for a limited height exception with a 2,000’ setback from I-95 and an increased <br />setback from SR 60. The Professional Services Advisory Committee met on January 15, 2004 and <br />recommended by a 5-0 vote approval of the ordinance with an alternative exception of reducing <br />the setback from I-95 to 1,000’ where the site is north or south of the elevated I-95 interchange <br />area. Staff and the Planning & Zoning Commission recommend keeping the 2,000’ setback which <br />is in the ordinance. <br />Mr. Boling continued his presentation using a sketch showing the proposed berm and tree <br />heights relative to the line of sight (copy on file). He handed out a list of past height exceptions to <br />the general rule existing in the county (copy on file) to show the characteristics of those <br />exceptions. <br /> <br />The Chairman opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to be heard with <br />regard to this matter. <br /> <br />th <br />Ella Johnson <br />, 2200 19 Avenue, Tropical Gardens, used a sketch showing the proposed <br />berm and tree heights relative to the line of sight to display the view from her home looking west at <br />February 10, 2004 <br />9 <br /> <br />