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John Hooten thanked the Board on behalf of the Shriners' 22 hospitals and asked <br />the public for their help and support when they see the Shriners in their funny hats and <br />yellow vests. He continued that the budget for their hospitals for 2003 is $605 million. <br />He also pointed out that less than 5% of donations go to administration, which includes <br />fund raising. Over 95% of the funds go to treatment, research or the hospitals. Not one of <br />their hospitals has a billing department and 675 million children have been treated with <br />never a penny received from an insurance company or a government agency. All funds are <br />collected from dues and fund raisers and used to help these children who cannot afford to <br />pay for treatment. He stated that if you know of a child who suffers from orthopaedic <br />problems, needs burn treatment or could benefit from spinal cord injury research, please <br />refer them to the Shriners. The only requirement is that the Shriners be able to cure or help <br />such a child and that they are unable to pay for treatment. Call 800-237-5055 to contact <br />your local Shriners organization. They also pay for transportation costs including costs to <br />transport children with special needs, as well as transportation costs for a parent to <br />accompany the child. He concluded with "no man stands so tall as when he stoops to help <br />a child". <br />5. B. NEW CUSTOMER SERVICE HOURS FOR UTILITIES DEPARTMENT. <br />Commissioner Ginn announced that, effective February 17, 2003, Utilities <br />Department customers will be able to take advantage of the Department's new office hours <br />from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. This extra hour per day should assist <br />customers who work. <br />6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />None. <br />FEBRUARY 11, 2003 <br />