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5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS <br />S.A. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION CELEBRATING THE GIFFORD <br />YOUTHACTIVITY CENTER 1071 ANNIVERSARY AND HONORING THE <br />MEMORY OF DR. WILLIAM NIGH FOR HIS OUTSTANDING SER VICE <br />Commissioner Flescher read the Proclamation and Freddie Wolfork presented it to Mrs. <br />William Nigh. <br />S.B. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION CELEBRATING THE GIFFORD <br />YOUTHACTIVITY CENTER IOTHANNIVERSARYAND HONORING RONALD <br />HUDSON FOR HIS OUTSTANDING SERVICE <br />Commissioner Flescher read and presented the Proclamation to Dr. Ronald Hudson. <br />S.C. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION CELEBRATING THE GIFFORD <br />YOUTHACTIVITYCENTER IOTHANNIVERSARYANDHONORINGDANK. <br />RICHARDSON FOR HIS OUTSTANDING SERVICE <br />Commissioner Flescher read and presented the Proclamation to Mr. K. Richardson. <br />Freddie Woolfork introduced Executive Director Angela Perry, and Chairman John Dean <br />to the Board. He also gave an open invitation to attend the ten year celebration festivities for the <br />Gifford Youth Activity Center, on February 15th and 16th 2008 at 10:00 a.m. <br />S.D. PRESENTATIONBY THE INDIANRIVER SOCCER ASSOCIATION <br />Bill Becker wanted the Board to know that lighting the soccer fields had improved the <br />County's value since there are now numerous opportunities for outside groups around the State to <br />come into the County and use our facilities. He acknowledged that Administrator Joe Baird had <br />2 <br />February 12, 2008 <br />