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Director Brown outlined taxing fund expenditures by type and by service, and <br />pointed out that Public Safety (services) constitutes the largest fund expenditure at 58.2%. He <br />reiterated that staff was mindful of the importance of public safety; however, if no cuts were <br />made in public safety, everything else would need to be cut by 37% to reach the 15% cut. <br />Clerk's Note: Vice Chairman Davis rejoined the meeting at 11:06 a.m. <br />Director Brown reported that budget cuts were being made across the State, citing <br />some of the reductions that were being made in neighboring counties. He reiterated that the <br />County would be prioritizing the budget cuts, and there would not be 15% cuts made "across <br />the board." Director Brown stated that the County had initiated a hiring freeze, and he outlined <br />further possible budget cuts as follows: <br />• Increased efficiencies - staffing reductions <br />• Privatizations where savings possible <br />• Reduced operations for libraries, pools, etc. <br />• Reduced services - guarded beaches, parks maintenance, <br />ROW mowing, ALS engines <br />• Energy savings contractors <br />• Phone bill analysis <br />• Reorganization/consolidation of programs <br />• User fee analysis <br />• Re -bid, re -negotiate contracts with outside vendors <br />(SWDD) <br />• Health insurance adjustments <br />• Salary freeze (?) <br />February 19, 2008 24 <br />