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4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA/EMERGENCY <br />ITEMS -NONE <br />5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS <br />S.A. PRESENTATION BY CIRCUIT JUDGE ROBERT L. PEGG <br />Judge Robert L. Pegg presented information about an electronic monitoring <br />system that could be used on a 24-hour, 7 -day basis to track juvenile offenders, as an alternative <br />to sending them to the Ft. Pierce Detention Center, where they are kept for up to twenty-one <br />(21) days. Judge Pegg talked about the benefits of using the electronic monitoring, which <br />would cost $12.00 per day versus the approximately $170.00 per day for housing at the <br />Detention Center. He noted that Indian River County currently sends about $40,000.00 per <br />month to help house juvenile offenders at the Detention Center. <br />Judge Pegg discussed the success rate of this procedure for other counties that are <br />utilizing it; told the Board that there is a 99% compliance rate among the juvenile offenders on <br />the system; and requested Board approval for the electronic monitoring system. <br />County Administrator Baird arranged with Judge Pegg to get the complete costs, <br />and Chairman Bowden said that the Board would give serious consideration to this item. <br />February 19, 2008 2 <br />