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Director Keating explained the Comprehensive Plan updates and additions that <br />included the responsibilities of the local governments. He said all the local governments <br />(counties, cities and towns) needed to meet the requirements regarding the Comprehensive <br />updates and additions. He identified the amendments to be updated or revised and briefly spoke <br />about them: (1) adopt a Public School Facility Element, (2) amendment to Capital Improvements <br />Element, and (3) amendment to the Intergovernmental Coordination Element. <br />Director Keating informed the Board that all local governments would send their <br />Comprehensive Plan Amendments to the School Board for critique and comments only. The <br />local governments would adopt it. He advised that the ILA would take less time to approve and <br />adopt than the Comprehensive Plan Amendments; therefore, everything needs to be in order <br />before late summer or early Fall. He concluded by emphasizing that school concurrency is <br />"mandatory" and that it must be implemented by Indian River County by March 1, 2008, <br />otherwise sanctions would occur to all parties. <br />Director Keating requested the Board and Council members review the draft <br />documents of the Indian River County Interlocal Agreement for Coordinated Planning and <br />School Concurrency to reach a general consensus to "accept" or "accept with modifications". <br />He also requested the Board to provide him with a decision as to whether they wanted to meet as <br />a "big group" or whether they wanted to establish a working group to make required changes. <br />5. REVIEW OF SCHOOL CONCURRENCY IMPLEMENTATION <br />SCHEDULE <br />Chairman Wheeler suggested establishing a working group and he felt the <br />workshops should be publicly announced to allow for public input. He recommended <br />Commissioner Davis represent Indian River County. <br />February 15, 2007 5 <br />JOINT PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRENCY WORKSHOP MEETING <br />