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The Board continued discussion regarding Commissioner O'Bryan's comments <br />and Commissioner Solari's subsequent rebuttal. They eventually reached a consensus for more <br />data to be brought back to the Board for consideration. <br />There was CONSENSUS for staff to come back with <br />a point system on non-residential impact fees. <br />The Board continued to discuss the waiving of impact fees across the board, and <br />received further input from Chuck Mechling, Joseph Paladin, Jack Horner, and Beth Mitchell, <br />who all agreed that something has to be done immediately. <br />Budget Director Jason Brown presented an impact fee reduction proposal, which <br />Administrator Baird said could be done, and it was legally defensible. <br />The BOARD'S CONSENSUS was for staff to come <br />back with a point system on non-residential impact <br />fees, at the first meeting in March, for Board <br />consideration. <br />Commissioner Solari desired to have Budget Director Brown add two columns to <br />his proposal, and backwards mirror the last two years impact fee intake, so we have a better idea <br />of how to proceed. <br />Mr. Mechling asked if they could look at cutting impact fees across the board, <br />every category by 50%; have a six months review, and then a 12 -month target. <br />February 17, 2009 42 <br />