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Penny Chandler of the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce updated the <br />Board on the request for approval of a resolution for creation of an Indian River County <br />Consortium for Life Science Research and Technology Advancement of which the Commission <br />will partner along with other public and private entities in a research and technology economic <br />development -focused consortium. <br />In response to Commissioner Solari's inquiry as to when this was expected to <br />come along, Ms. Chandler said, now that the School Board has endorsed it, it just needs to go on <br />everyone's agenda to get approval. Mr. Solari hoped Commissioners would all support this <br />endeavor. <br />Chairman Davis asked that this item be placed under his matters for next week's <br />Board meeting. <br />No Board action required or taken. <br />14.E.2. IMPACT FEES <br />(Clerk's Note: this item was heard prior to Item 14.E.1) <br />Commissioner Solari pointed out that there is currently, in Tallahassee, a Senator <br />who wants to have a resolution against impact fees. He believed local government should be <br />controlled at the local level and that what works for one county does not necessarily work for <br />another. Therefore, it should be our preference to have the State Legislature work on State issues <br />and to leave local issues to the local people. He further believed that impact fees are a local <br />issue. He requested that a Resolution be drafted for transmittal to Tallahassee, on behalf of the <br />Indian River County Board of County Commissioners, against Senate Bill 630. <br />February 17, 2009 45 <br />