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applies once you are hooked up to county water. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan asked about consumptive versus base charges, and Ms. <br />Corrente cleared up the misconception that consumption charges are passed on to <br />owners/landlords. <br />Ms. Mead was not concerned with the base charge, but thought there could be <br />double billing. <br />Vice Chairman Davis promised to look into the matter to make sure there were no <br />double billing or consumption charges billed to Ms. Meade for which she should not be <br />responsible. Commissioner Wheeler offered his knowledge on the release of security deposits. <br />Chairman Bowden assured Ms. Meade that staff would be on top of this issue. <br />The Chairman called a break at 10:21 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 10:30 <br />a.m. with Commissioner Flescher absent. <br />9.C. PUBLIC NOTICE ITEMS - <br />1. NOTICE OF SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR FEBRUARY 12,2008: <br />A. AMEND SECTION 201.08.H OF THE CODE TO REMOVE THE REQUIREMENT <br />OF INTEREST PAYMENT ON WATER AND SEWER DEPOSITS <br />B. AMEND THE RATE RESOLUTION TO REMOVE THE 2.$% PER ANNUM <br />INTEREST RATE PAYABLE ON WATER AND SEWER DEPOSITS <br />(LEGISLATIVE) <br />26 <br />February 5, 2008 <br />