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4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA/EMERGENCY <br />ITEMS <br />Chairman Neuberger announced the following requested changes to the agenda: <br />Defer Item 6.B., approval of January 17, 2006 minutes, to February 14, 2006; <br />Add Emergency Item 7.CC., Out -of -county travel to Tallahassee for Commissioner <br />Davis and County Administrator Baird; (Clerk's note: Not added, see below.) <br />7, 2006; <br />Correction to Item 9.C.2., hearing date corrected to February 14, 2006, not February <br />Additional Backup for Item 11.C.2.; and <br />Add Emergency Item 11.C.3., New County Administration Building Change Orders <br />001 and 002 with Turner Construction Company. <br />There were questions regarding the emergency nature of Item 7.CC. In response to <br />questions from Commissioner Bowden, Commissioner Davis advised that Representative Stan <br />Mayfield had arranged a meeting with the Secretary of Florida Department of Transportation <br />(FDOT) to discuss some of the State and Federal highways. It was not on the agenda initially <br />because he was unsure whether he would be able to travel due to family illness. <br />Vice Chairman Wheeler would not agree to put this matter on the agenda as an <br />emergency item because he believed the Commission and the Metropolitan Planning Organization <br />(MPO) should have input in this matter; that another appointment could be arranged; and that <br />appropriate staff should attend. <br />County Administrator Baird explained that this opportunity arose from a <br />conversation with Representative Mayfield several days prior and that he should have kept the <br />Commission informed of it. County Administrator Baird suggested he could speak with the FDOT <br />Secretary on a conference call rather than a meeting in person. <br />February 7, 2006 2 <br />