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53rd Street and there were some links and intersections on the Boulevard that are approaching <br />capacity. <br />Another option for providing relief to US 1 is CRALLS (Constrained Roadway at <br />Lower Level of Service) which, if adopted, would change the level of service from current Level <br />of Service "D" (L.O.S.D.), which is our current capacity standard to Level of Service "F" <br />(L.O.S.F) the lowest range, thereby raising the number of trips allowed to vest on US 1. One <br />drawback is that level of service "F" would result in increased traffic delays, stops and congestion <br />and for that reason staff would not normally recommend it. <br />Chairman Wheeler talked about CRALLS and remarked that it seems logical to him <br />that roundabouts made a lot of sense on some road. He asked if there was any validity to that, and <br />whether there was any possibility of looking into that in the future for some roads. <br />Director Mora responded that roundabouts fall under the realm of traffic calming; <br />they have a good use but where they break down is when we get higher volumes and you cannot <br />introduce gaps for people to turn around. <br />Discussion ensued regarding roundabouts and how well they would work in low <br />volume/low access situations but do not in high volume situations. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan asked how much more capacity would be added if we do go <br />to level of service "F". Director Mora explained that in the matter of US 1 we would probably <br />have to go to E+ 40%, which would add 500 or 600 trips on US 1. <br />E. US I - DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT <br />February 9, 2007 5 <br />Public Workshop <br />