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referendum said to her. She did not believed the voters were looking to change the whole form of <br />government, but just wanting to hold the Urban Service Line. <br />Sue Joyce, Orchid, questioned Section 1.8.1., paragraph (d) on rural boundary. <br />Adriene Cuffe pointed out that the vote needs to be in the hands of the people for the <br />important matters and the everyday matters needed to be handled by the Commission. <br />Jason Nunemaker, City Manager of Fellsmere, felt compelled to point out that none <br />of the issues that have plagued the County were created by the City of Fellsmere, and Charter <br />Government would not do anything to alleviate those issues. <br />6. CONCLUDING REMARKS <br />Commissioner Davis was concerned with the issue of residency. As a sitting <br />Commissioner, he did not want to raise that barrier if someone challenged him running for office. <br />It was his opinion that if the people have an idea that they want to bring before the Commission it <br />should be 60% or by super majority votes. <br />(Clerk's Note: Commissioner Bowden left the meeting at 11:15 a.m.) <br />Chairman Wheeler explained that when they complete this process they have 90 days <br />for the people to vote on it. If they disagree with certain things they could form a consensus to <br />obtain some direction with the working draft. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan understood Commissioner Davis on the majority vote, and <br />pointed out that until they implement the Charter they cannot require 60%, they need the majority <br />vote. He commented on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan that has been in existence since 1990. <br />March 12, 2007 10 <br />Public Workshop — Charter Government <br />