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• Churches <br />• The Gifford Youth Activities Center <br />• Law enforcement. <br />3. LAND SWAP <br />School Board Member Lenora Quimby wondered whether there might be some <br />mutually beneficial property exchanges which could be transacted between the School District and <br />the County. She conveyed that there was a serious need for more parking at Vero Beach High <br />School, and wondered if the County would be receptive to making available to the School District <br />the property which fronts the High School, and which currently has ball fields. In return, the <br />County would receive acreage on 66th Avenue, an area of future growth in the County. <br />Vice Chairman Davis asked what would be the School District's goals for the existing ball <br />fields, and School Board Member Quimby stated that an evaluation would have to be done to <br />determine what the needs of the High School were. <br />In response to Vice Chairman's Davis query, County Administrator Baird revealed that <br />there are four ball fields. He said that the fields were a "maintenance headache" for the County, <br />and felt that because of the huge parking problem at the school, it might be in the community's best <br />interest to have the School District utilize the property. <br />Vice Chairman Davis supported the idea of expanded parking for the High School, but <br />wanted to know how the School District would address the loss of the ball fields. <br />Administrator Baird wondered if the School District would build fields on the 66th Avenue <br />property. <br />8 <br />March 13, 2008 <br />Joint Meeting/Indian River County School Board <br />