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<br />In response to Commissioner Neuberger’s question, Director Keating said to put <br />insufficient links on the CIP now they would have to show a written commitment and agreement in <br />place and this would be discussed in detail later. <br /> <br />Bob Johnson <br />, Coral Wind subdivision, thought the state is imposing a situation that <br />does not exist in our County. He recommended that the County ask the State to be exempt from <br />th <br />Senate Bill 360. He would like to see staff take examples existing in the County, such as 27 <br />Avenue, and show exactly what the impact would be. <br />Nancy Offutt <br />, representing the Treasure Coast Builders Association, made some <br />observations regarding the proportionate share ordinance. The Builders Association encouraged <br />the Board to go forward with collecting impact fees in advance of the project going on the road and <br />they want them to continue in a vicious fashion. She commended Commissioner Wheeler for <br />recognizing initial infrastructure costs and for suggesting a longer period, provided initial <br />infrastructure can be paid back. She liked Mr. Cox’s suggestion that when you have a project and <br />you can get support to get it approved, that is when you should vest. <br />Joseph Paladin <br /> commented that he supports the pending ordinance admitting that it <br />was a reaction to what was happening in the County at that time. With the adoption of Senate Bill <br />360 he thinks it does not keep anyone from going forward, it just keeps one from vesting. It <br />protects a vast amount of people in the County. He just did not want the Board to feel that they <br />went in the wrong direction. <br />David Etter, <br /> Castaway Cove, said it was impossible for him to justify the expense <br />of hiring a consultant, negotiating with the County, hiring a lawyer, and paying the impact fees as <br />a single developer, and he thought it would be great if there could be diminimus provisions. <br />Director Keating said one the components that the traffic consultant is looking at is a <br />project’s overall impact and how far out it will go. It will be discussed when the traffic consultant <br />reviews his report. He has advertised and scheduled this to go to the P&Z Commission on March <br />9, 2006, and he was looking at mid-April to bringing back his report to the Board. He encouraged <br />March 3, 2006 <br />7 <br />Public Workshop <br />Proportionate Share Ordinance <br /> <br />