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There was a question and answer period regarding Mr. Spikes comments. <br /> <br />Anthony Donadio <br />, President of the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce, <br />read Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce Penny Chandler’s letter (copy on file) <br />supporting preserving and refining the new town concept recognizing the public benefits <br />associated with adequate infrastructure, natural habitat, agriculture, and public assurances of <br />open space in perpetuity. <br />Greg Burk <br /> represented members of the American Institute of Architects, and he <br />strongly recommended that they put an architect on the committee in order to consider design as <br />an important part. He brought with him a book titled “Livability 101” that addresses quality of <br />life and recommended the Commissioners read it. <br />th <br />Nancy Offutt <br /> announced that on March 7 St. Lucie County is having a workshop <br />on town villages and countryside. <br />th <br />Lex Kromhout, <br /> 4150 11 Place SW, a citrus grower, recommended that the Board <br />work on the problem of clusters in the LDRs. He urged the Board to read the report from the <br />Sustainable Treasure Coast, and consider Ag PDs as Commissioner Davis suggested. <br />Bob Swift <br />, 6400 Glendale Road, defined sustainability as looking at three factors: <br />social equity, economic ability and environmental protection, and all of the issues talked about <br />would be addressed. In doing some research, he was surprised he was listed in opposition to <br />“new towns” at a previous meeting and he assured the Board there was nothing farther from the <br />truth. He thought what Mr. Bass and Mr. Christopher laid out a great idea and he hoped the <br />Board would embrace it and he certainly would support it. <br />Bea Gardner <br /> felt there was no reason to rush a decision and asked the Board to <br />take a year or two to review. <br />The Chairman stated that was exactly what they are doing by holding this public <br />hearing. <br />March 3, 2006 <br />6 <br />Public Workshop <br />Proposed New Town Policies <br /> <br />