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Beth Mitchell, Director, Sebastian River Chamber of Commerce <br />Penny Chandler, Indian River County Chamber of Commerce <br />Ms. Mitchell and Ms. Chandler facilitated the Impact Fee Task Force. <br />(Clerk's Note: Commissioner Flescher exited the Workshop at 1:50 p.m. and returned <br />within the minute) <br />Beth Mitchell and Ms. Chandler took turns reporting on the process, which included the <br />frequency of the meetings, how the Task Force group reviewed the report, and the sections of the <br />Report that were reviewed (Traffic, Schools, Parks, Libraries and Law Enforcement). The <br />sections of the Report that were not addressed are: Corrections, Public Buildings, Solid Waste <br />and Fire Rescue. The Task Force created an additional section that was entitled, "Quantifying <br />the Impact." <br />Ms. Chandler felt the members of the Task Force should be commended for their time, <br />energy and commitment to get the job done in a meaningful manner. She disclosed what the <br />group had discussed, and how the meetings were conducted. <br />Ms. Mitchell presented the Committee's recommendations, and reported that the City of <br />Vero Beach representative abstained from voting on every item, and there were some absent <br />members who did not participate. The Task Force Committee's recommendations for the <br />following entities are: <br />Transportation - Motion to maintain current rate —Passed 12- 0 (1 abstention) <br />Schools Motion to maintain current rate — Passed 12-0 (1 abstention) <br />Parks Motion to maintain current rate — Passed 12-0 (1 abstention) <br />Libraries - Motion to maintain current rate — Passed 12-0 (1 abstention) <br />5 <br />March 6, 2008 <br />Public Workshop <br />