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2. That access roads in and around the property be placed as far away from <br />Pine Creek as possible to avoid the road noise, and <br />3. That a wall or berm is placed around the perimeter of the property to <br />minimize the noise and lights. <br />Director Keating informed the Board they do not have a development proposal for <br />this property at this time. He responded to the concern of burning at the site. This has to be done <br />in an air curtain incinerator under the supervision of the fire department, and he doubted that <br />burning would occur on this property. As for the access roads, they will most-likely find <br />multi-family units on the property line. The berm or wall will be reviewed with the developer <br />when he presents the site plan. <br />th <br />Susan Boyd, <br /> 8025 24 Street, questioned the Board approving every rezoning item <br />that came before them and questioned the Board’s right to deny. She feared the approval of <br />allowing zoning for multi-family units on this property for the sake of conformity did not make <br />sense to her. She encouraged changing the Comp Plan if the Plan is not working. <br /> <br />There were no additional speakers and the Chairman closed the public hearing. <br /> <br />Commissioner Davis felt a need for multi-family units in the area. This is the first <br />development that falls under the new LDRs. He was anxious to see this achieved. <br /> <br />ON MOTION Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Vice <br />Chairman Neuberger, the Board unanimously adopted <br />Ordinance 2005-010, amending the zoning ordinance and <br /> <br />the accompanying zoning map for 11.52 acres located <br />approximately 550 feet north of SR-60 and approximately <br />th <br />1800 feet west of 74 Avenue from A-1, agricultural <br />district (up to 1 unit/5 acres), to RM-6, multiple-family <br />residential district (up to 6 units/acre). <br />APRIL 12, 2005 <br />6 <br /> <br />