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Mr. Spitzer promised to look at Commissioner O'Bryan's concerns and get back to him. <br />To the third concern, he explained that the current practice would remain and the only at -will <br />employees would be the two charter officers (County Attorney and County Administrator). <br />County Attorney William Collins also addressed at -will issues. Discussion then ensued <br />regarding whether direction/approval was needed from the Board for certain staff positions. Board <br />members did not like the possibility of the Board approving personnel/department heads and <br />wanted to leave it non-political. It was pointed out that the Board did not have the option to change <br />the powers and duties of County Administrator if Charter is adopted by ordinance. <br />Administrator Baird voiced strong opposition to the seemingly lack of choice he would <br />have in the matter. <br />Mr. Spitzer suggested that the Board could investigate whether the fact that this Charter is <br />being proposed by a Part IV process forever lock the citizens of Indian River County into this <br />particular system, or once the Charter is adopted or simultaneously with the presentation of the <br />Charter, could an amendment to the Charter be considered to remove the requirement of consent. <br />Attorney Collins did not believe they could have an amendment that would be inconsistent <br />with General Law, and changing that provision in General Law could give rise to an inconsistency. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan inquired if, under Sections 6.1.3 and 7.3.2 regarding limitation on <br />changes by Petition, there could be additional language stating that changes to the powers, duties <br />and functions of the Constitutional officers are also excluded from changes by Petition. <br />Mr. Spitzer believed this already prohibits ordinances by petitions dealing with <br />Constitutionals, and the real effect of that question is that they could do Charter by Petition. <br />April 12, 2007 9am 5 <br />Charter Government Workshop <br />