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County Attorney Will Collins explained that this change was initiated by a request from the <br />Health Department to allow them to inspect the pertinent premises for vermin and hazardous <br />materials, prior to demolition, in order to further ensure that no one is inadvertently exposed to any <br />risk. <br />Mike Galanis, Director of Environmental Health, noted that we have actually been doing this <br />for years but the regulations will now allow for a small fee and authorize the Health Department to <br />see that asbestos and septic tanks are properly handled. He explained that everyone may not know <br />that asbestos has to be separately treated at the Landfill and there are occasions when wells are <br />located on these properties which need to be properly abandoned. <br />The Chairman opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to be heard regarding <br />this matter. There being none, the Chairman closed the public hearing. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Adams, SECONDED by Commissioner <br />Neuberger, the Board unanimously adopted Ordinance 2003-015 <br />modifying Chapter 303 of the Indian River County Code to clarify and <br />organize certain sections and create a new Part V, providing for purpose; <br />providing for definitions; providing for exempt structures; providing for <br />Health Department approval required for demolition; providing for <br />application for approval and fee; providing for inspection and report; <br />providing for reinspection fee; providing for prerequisites for issuance of <br />approval and requirements in the event of later discovered conditions; <br />providing for requirements for demolition; providing for enforcement; <br />providing for coordination with Building Departments; providing for <br />penalties; providing for repeal of conflicting provisions; providing for <br />applicability; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. <br />APRIL 22, 2003 12 <br />