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04/24/2008 (2)
04/24/2008 (2)
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ATTORNEY VITUNAC CROSS-EXAMINED MR. METZ <br />Mr. Metz could not recall exactly the time they hired an attorney, and knew about The <br />Source's decision for a recovery center after he read the newspaper article. In response to "what <br />prompted you to file on an appeal form on November 1 st", he said at that point they had contacted <br />Attorney O'Haire. <br />ATTORNEY 01HAIRE CALLED KEITH HEDIN <br />Keith David Hedin, 6030 37th Street, Vero Beach, under questioning by Attorney <br />O'Haire described his property's proximity in relation to Alcohope (the subject property/a/k/a <br />The Source). He explained that on August 6, 2006 from an article in the Press Journal he found <br />out The Source was proposing to place a shelter on the subject property, after which he contacted <br />his neighbors to discuss the matter. He had no idea of The Source's intent prior to the article in <br />the Newspaper. He immediately contacted County staff but was not told that he had any appeal <br />rights; was not told that the clock was running; was not told that the clock had run out; was not <br />told that his time was up on July 31; and there was no mention of an appeal. He was only told <br />"here is a copy of the letter Mr. McCoy has wrote endorsing The Source of buying this piece of <br />property." The first time he saw the letter was August 9, 2006, and he did not, at that time, <br />know of any right to appeal. <br />Mr. Hedin complained of not being notified by the County of a potential land use change <br />in his area. <br />ATTORNEY VITUNAC CROSS-EXAMINED MR. HEDIN <br />Under cross-examination, Mr. Hedin affirmed that he did not hire Mr. O'Haire, he only <br />spoke with him, and could not recall the exact date. He also affirmed that he did not know when <br />Mr. Metz hired Mr. O'Haire; that he received "formal notice" from a newspaper article not from <br />April 24, 2008 8 <br />Special Call Meeting (The Source) <br />
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