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hand, he felt it was critical that we follow our policy because if we mix and match our policies <br />we will end up with more lawsuits. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan felt the issue of jurisdiction comes down to when the applicants <br />were truly notified, and when the 21 -day clock started ticking. He addressed the matter of <br />notification to residents, and believed that at that time, the applicants were notified of their due <br />process and of the timeframe and procedures under Section 902.07 (based on a letter to the <br />applicants from Attorney Collins dated October 17, 2006 regarding the appeal timeframes). He <br />understood that the proper form was delivered to the Planning Division on November 1 and that <br />a check in good standing was delivered on November 7, which was within the 21 -days appeal <br />period. Therefore, in his opinion, and based upon those facts, and upholding our policy strictly <br />to the ordinance, he believed official notice did not occur until October 17. The appeal was <br />therefore timely, he held; it was on the appropriate form; funds were in good order; and he <br />supported the Motion to hear the appeal. <br />Vice Chairman Davis surmised that we are victims of an inadequate policy and it is the <br />policy that was in place. He deemed the two days were significant, and believed that is where <br />we should draw the line, and it should be a bright line. He was not in favor of the Motion. <br />THE MOTION <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the <br />Motion carried 4-1 (Vice Chairman Davis opposed). The <br />Board determined that it has jurisdiction, and approved to <br />hear the appeal. <br />April 24, 2008 17 <br />Special Call Meeting (The Source) <br />