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ATTORNEYHENDERSON CROSS-EXAMINED MR. METZ <br />Attorney Henderson reminded Mr. Metz of the testimony of Linda Wakefield who <br />testified that residents were on the property prior to the storms; they were moved out for a period <br />of time; they reoccupied the property and then moved out entirely on April 1, 2005. He asked <br />Mr. Metz if he disagreed with that. <br />Mr. Metz said he disagreed because he did not recall it, and he did not know if Ms. <br />Wakefield was lying. Mr. Metz recounted how he visited the property about 2, 3, or 4 times a <br />week, riding his bike, and there was no one there, or any "no trespassing" signs. He said it <br />basically became a neighborhood hangout; and he had done those activities with friends, <br />neighbors, and his kids. <br />ATTORNEY 0IHAIRE CALLED ERINMETZ <br />Erin Metz (nee O'Haire), 5980 37th Street, recollected that it was before the hurricanes <br />that she noticed the site was totally abandoned. She frequented the property with her kids, before <br />the storms, and saw no signs of life there at all; nor any parked cars, office workers, nor anybody <br />who looked like they have been living there. She had never seen anybody there since she had <br />been going on the property. She recalled that it was May of 2006 that she first observed a "For <br />Sale" sign, and she was certain because she had called the week before and was told they were <br />going to begin using that front building for their case workers working out in the fields, so they <br />could have some place "to land" instead of having to return to their office in Fort Pierce. She did <br />not observe, for the preceding entire year, anyone using the office. <br />ATTORNEYHENDERSON CROSS-EXAMINED Ms. METZ <br />Attorney Henderson reminded Ms. Metz that she and her husband made reference to the <br />status of the property before the storm, and noted there was a storm (Hurricane Wilma) in 2005 <br />as well. He asked Ms. Metz if she was sure she was not confused as to the identity of these <br />April 24, 2008 38 <br />Special Call Meeting (The Source) <br />