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Attorney Collins looked at the timeliness of the appeal, the form of the appeal, the place <br />of filing, and filing fee, and presented his findings. He recommended that the Board make <br />findings that it does not have jurisdiction over the merits of this case because: <br />1. The September 5, 2008 letter from Mr. O'Haire was not an appeal <br />2. As an "appeal", the letter was untimely under Code Section 902.07(3)(b). <br />3. The appeal was not filed on the form prescribed by the County, as required by Code <br />Section 902.07(3)(b). <br />4. The appeal was not filed within a specified time limit with the Planning Department <br />as required by the Code Section 902.07(3)(b). <br />5. The appeal was not accompanied by a fee as required by Code Section 902.07(3)(b). <br />Attorney Collins, after presenting his review and analysis, reminded the Board that due <br />process requires that they do not simply accept his recommendations, but to make its own <br />findings with respect to the issues, after hearing from the parties involved. <br />OPENING STATEMENT BYATTORNEY VITUNAC <br />Douglas Vitunae, Esquire, Collins, Brown, Caldwell, 756 Beachland Boulevard, <br />Attorneys for The Source, presented his client's arguments in opposition to the Board of County <br />Commissioners hearing the matter. He described how his client bought the property in reliance <br />on the July 10th determination (by the Community Development Department), which allowed use <br />as a residential treatment facility, and as a legal continuation of a non -conforming use. He <br />argued that the July 10th decision was never properly appealed by the Metzes or by anyone else, <br />and he provided relative facts in support of his arguments. He also argued that they have cited <br />case law that explains where the County Ordinance contains mandatory language relative to the <br />appeal procedures of the Code that those procedures have to be followed or else the County does <br />April 24, 2008 3 <br />Special Call Meeting (The Source) <br />