TUESDAY JAY 159 A. L.$ 1930.
<br />At a: meeting of the `Board of County Coumissioners of Indian River county, Flora
<br />held at $he office of the Clerk of Cirouitr,Court, at 'Pero Beach, in said County, on
<br />Tuesday duly X15, 19309 the following members of said beard were present; Albert 0.
<br />Relseth, Chairman; John. H. Atkin, J. Vit.,LaBraee, T. D. Yongve and J. J. P. Hamilton.
<br />Also prevent was Miles Warren, Clerk, by D. N. MoCallum, Deputy Clerk.
<br />A,uet�tion having been filed with the Board of July 11th, 1930, the same being
<br />in the fallowing wards and figures: "To THE HOST©RABLE BOABD of COMM CO SSIOITERS F
<br />OF INDIAN RTM COQ'. We, the undersigned, respectfully. petition to your Honorab]aet
<br />body, that the public road leading through the middle of Section ten .from Emerson, AVi
<br />to Cleman Ave b5 put in a more passable oondition. We beg to eall your attention that
<br />at point,this road leaves Emerson Ave it trespasses on private property fora
<br />distance! that because of lack of adequate drainage in rainy Breather the low places are
<br />Impassible and that int dry weather parts of this road because of its.sand condition can
<br />hardlyT,�be used." a
<br />The said petition having been duly considered upon motion duly made and carried
<br />it was ordered that they needed work on said road be done.
<br />a
<br />It was ordered that D. L. Leisher, County Engineer, be granted a leave of aab,se:
<br />for the purpose of attending Wlitary camp.
<br />Sr® W. R. Duncan, Tax 4asessors filed report of reciepts under Seo.407 Revisid
<br />General 6tatutes as follows* -
<br />To the Comptroller, State of Florida, Under section 407, Revised General Statutes of`F
<br />For the six months ending Dec, 31st 1929. FEES, COMSSIONS AND RETiiERATIONS COLLONCT
<br />Commissions on account of 1959 Tag roll $2705613
<br />Total reoiepts for the 6 mouths ending Dec. 31st 1959P705.13
<br />�E1WBS
<br />Travelling expenses, gas oil, etc, 839.90
<br />Postage and Printing 499'80
<br />Clerk Eire 780.00
<br />Total expenses for six months 869.70
<br />Net reciepts for the 6 monthseending Dec. 31st,1929 91835,45
<br />State of Florida
<br />Indian River County.
<br />I, W. R. Duncan, Tax Assegoor, County of Indian River, State of
<br />Florida,,do solemnly swear that the above is true; correct and complete report of all
<br />P fees, commissions and remuneration reoieved by me as Tax Assessor, and of the eemse
<br />paid or for which I have been liable, for the six months ending Dec. 31st. 1929.
<br />+We R. Duncan,Tax Assessor, Indian River County, Florida. Sworn to and subscribed .
<br />before me this 15th day of July 1930. Miles Warren Clerk Circuit Court, By D. He MoCel,
<br />D. Co
<br />To the Comptroller, State of Florida, under Section 407, Revised General Statutes of F,'
<br />For the sin months ending June 30, 1930.
<br />Commissions on account 1930 Tax Roll ei 63405.81
<br />r _
<br />Total reciepts for six months ending June 30, 1930. $3105.81
<br />k EXPENSES
<br />Traveling expenses, gas, oil etc., $169.92
<br />Postage and printing 84.60
<br />Clerk hire 750.00
<br />Total expenses for the six months _1004:5
<br />Net reciepts for the six months ending June 30, 1930 $2401.39
<br />I, W. R. Duncan, Tax Assessor, County of Indian River, Stateoof Flo:
<br />do"solemnly swear that the above is a true, correct and complete report of all fees,
<br />commissions ad remunerations reoieved by me as Tex Assessor, and of the expenses paid
<br />or for which I have become liable, for the sig months ending June 30th 1930:
<br />We R. Dtmean Tex Assessor, Indian River Bounty, Floris
<br />Sworn to And sura Bribed before me this the 15th day of July 1930. Miles Warren, Clerk
<br />Cirouit Court, By D. H. McCallum, D. C.
<br />Upon motion duly made and carried the report was accepted end ,ordered filed.
<br />A resolution was passed in the following words and figuress
<br />Whereas, it appears that there remains un -expended in the Publiaty, Fund certain,
<br />monies not needed et the present time, and that there is a deficit in the Agricultural
<br />e
<br />Lida.
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<br />dada,
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