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Attorney Collins stated that the Resolution designates the County Administrator's <br />Office as the County Economic Development Agency, and the County Administrator and the <br />Commissioner Liaison to the County Economic Development Council, as Officers of the <br />County Economic Development Agency. Pursuant to the Resolution, they, and any County <br />employee so designated by the County Administrator, can maintain the confidentially of <br />certain information during negotiations pertaining to economic development projects. <br />Commissioner Solari questioned the parameters of the Resolution, and expressed <br />concerns about the four Commissioners who were not designated as Officers, being left "out of <br />the loop." <br />Commissioner O'Bryan felt that the Resolution would allow the Officers and staff <br />to verify the financial backing of a company without having to release the information on a <br />public records request, but he did not believe it would preclude the Officers from sharing the <br />information with any Commissioner. <br />Attorney Collins did not think the Officers would release specific financial data, <br />but rather that they would provide a general sense of whether a company was solid enough to <br />move forward with a project. <br />Commissioner Solari wanted to see the Resolution administered in a narrower <br />sense, and to keep in mind that the Commissioners would not want anyone saying that the <br />County was trying to avoid the Sunshine requirements. <br />Administrator Baird suggested including a paragraph in the Resolution narrowing <br />its application to new industries, or existing industry which was trying to expand in the County. <br />5 <br />April 7, 2009 <br />