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Concluding his PowerPoint, Director Brown outlined the revenue reductions <br />which had occurred in fiscal year 2008/2009, noting that there was one source of revenue, ALS <br />(Advanced Life Support), which had increased. He thereafter summarized actions taken by the <br />County in 2008/2009 to reduce expenses, and detailed some of the challenges and strategies for <br />moving forward in fiscal year 2009/2010. <br />Administrator Baird believed the taxroll could decrease by 20%, rather than the <br />estimated 15% used for today's presentation. He stated that staff was requesting Board <br />direction to send out letters, since the County provides funding for the Constitutional Officers, <br />Non -Profits and Child Care Services. He suggested asking for a 12.3% reduction across the <br />Board. <br />Mr. Wheeler noted that tough decisions would have to be made. He did not want <br />to see any increases in millage; however, he urged caution in approaching reductions for <br />essential government services, such as Law Enforcement, Emergency Services, and Roads and <br />Bridges. <br />Commissioner Solari also acknowledged that hard cuts would have to be made. <br />He observed that the Constitutional Officers and all the government groups would have to <br />work with the County to make the difficult cuts, and to try to maximize the County's resources. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan wanted to consider using a "Citizens Budget Input <br />Form", to obtain feedback on where the public believes spending should be prioritized, and <br />said he would bring that item back to the April 14, 2009 Board of County Commissioner <br />Meeting. <br />Administrator Baird said that if the budgets of the Constitutional Officers were <br />not reduced in the General Fund, the County would be unable to attain its budgetary goals for <br />28 <br />April 7, 2009 <br />