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<br />7. RECENTLY ADOPTED OR PENDING GROWTH <br />MANAGEMENT PROVISIONS <br />S.LC <br />T UCIE OUNTY <br />David Kelly <br />Planning Manager displaying a map of the recently adopted or pending <br />Growth Management Provisions. He defined the Research and Education Park and the <br />Neighborhood Planning Coordination as planning options for areas facing high demand for <br />future growth. He displayed an aerial map showing a similar planning effort to the South <br />County Initiative in IRC. <br /> <br />IRC <br />NDIAN IVER OUNTY <br />Community Development Director Bob Keating said Indian River County (IRC) is <br />involved in a lot of growth management provisions. He discussed the Growth Task Force and <br />the Growth Awareness Committee that analyzed the County’s Land Development <br />Regulations and listed those recently adopted by the Board: Landscaping Buffers, Tree <br />Protection, Open Space, Stormwater, Sidewalks, Native Uplands Preservation, Concurrency <br />Vesting, Walls, Subdivision Security, Corridor Plans, and Turn Lane Standards. <br />8. MAJOR PLANNING INITIATIVES <br />S.LC <br />T UCIE OUNTY <br />A. T,V&CE <br />OWNS ILLAGES OUNTRYSIDE LEMENT <br />Michael Brillhart <br />Strategy and Special Projects Manager presented a major initiative <br />currently in the review process called Towns, Villages and Countryside Element, a <br />Comprehensive Plan Amendment for north SLC. He displayed an illustrative picture <br />showing a town surrounded by a lot of green space. Their main desire is to enable a <br />self-sustaining type of settlement by providing larger amounts of green space around <br />communities. They believe the development pattern will be an opportunity to preserve open <br />May 25, 2005 <br />4 <br />Second Joint Meeting with St. Lucie County BCC <br /> <br />