<br />Y AUGUST 5, 1930.
<br />At a regular meeting of ,the Board of . County Com ai.ssionerss of Ind Ian River County,
<br />Florida, begun axed held at the j off'io le of the Clerk of Circuit Court on Tuesday the
<br />5th day of August, A. D}�, 1930fi the following members of said board were present
<br />Albert 0. Helseth, Chairman; J'�. D. 'Yo up, J. W. LaBruoe, J. J. P. Hamilton and
<br />John. H. Atkin. Also present� Files 'Warren, Clerk by D. H. McCallum, Deputy Clerk,
<br />and Clark S. Rios, Sher�ff. The following pr®ceedings were had..
<br />and 15th,
<br />Minutes of the ',meetingsheld July lsj;., 7th, 8th, 9th and llth�, 1930, were
<br />read an4 approved upon motion duly made and carried.
<br />Mr. Eddington representing the Sebastian Groves Company, appeared before
<br />the Board and requestedlasssist4noe from the County in opening certain drainage dit
<br />in `the Sebastian area, And, after discussion,, it was the opinion of the Boaaarcd that
<br />the request was for a drsainagelproposition benefitting property belonging to private
<br />Iterests,' and that the board was without authority to give assistance as requested,
<br />Ii was ordered that the reques' be and the same is hereby denied, provided however,
<br />that dte consideration would be given of the requirements pertaining to bridge on
<br />public reads across said ditch.
<br />Mr. Wm. 'F. Johnson, a pauper, appeared' before the Board and thanked the
<br />members for the assistance he was recieving from the County from allowances made to
<br />paupers outside of poor I house »;
<br />It vas ordered that the bridge on Osceola at Range line be rebuilt, and
<br />that the two bridges: further Fest be rebuilt and .made twenty (20) feet wise instead,
<br />of sixteen (16) feet.
<br />It appearing From tie record and files that the case lately pending in
<br />the Circuit Court, wherein the, County of Indian River vs the City of Vero Beach,
<br />hawing been appealed tp itho Supreme Court by the said W, and that the mandate of
<br />In ve d
<br />the said Supreme Court � the decision of the Circuit Court in the said case,
<br />and taxed the -costs against the o itbwass therefore ordered, that the Clerk
<br />render a bill to the said City of Vero Beach with a request that the same be paid ix
<br />accordance with order of saidlllmandate*
<br />A communication from Mrs, 0. D. Etters asking aid from the County was
<br />recieved and it was ordered that same be referred to Bliss Leila Bunklejr, County
<br />Nurse, for envestigatio4.
<br />Upon motion duly mi,ade and carried the County Engineer was instructed to
<br />extend public road from intersection of Louisana Avenue in Sebastian, South, to
<br />connect the same with Mibasso,jroad
<br />Upon motioniduljrmade and carried the County Engineer was instructed to
<br />dig certain ditches for the Indian River Products Company, as soon as practicable
<br />and the machine neccessary to!use in said work was available, the same to be paid
<br />for by the said Companyi at the usual rates charge for such services.
<br />Upon motion; duly made and carried it was ordered that the County En.ginc
<br />have installed pipe line from'City main at the end of bridge to furnish water,to
<br />the tender of the Vero Bridge;
<br />Cdr. F. G. FletoUer, building inspector in charge of the construction
<br />of the County Jail was Instructed to purchase pipe sufficient to install sewer line
<br />from jail to City seweriline,l,the name to be installed under the directions of the
<br />I,
<br />City Engineer, and in a�ccorde oe with ordinances in such canes made and provided.
<br />It being brought to the attention of the Board that it was neccessary
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