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Last modified
7/23/2015 8:55:56 AM
Creation date
6/8/2015 4:11:04 PM
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For the encouragement and protection of authorized under Chapter <br />7342, Aots.of 1917, the sum of 51,52.0900,it is determined and hereby declared that a. <br />tax rate of One-half (*) mill upon the dollar be levied, assessed, and is hereby imposed <br />J . . , <br />upon all the property in the County of Indian River, on the first day of Zanuary9- 193M <br />to meet the current expenses as estimated in the budget. <br />To provide a fund for the payment to worthy mothers in order that their children <br />my attend the Public Free Schools of the County, the sum of $3;144.00, it is determined <br />and Jreby dealer -ed that a tax rate of One (1) mill upon the =dollar be levied, assessed, <br />and is hereby imposed upon all of the property in.the County of Indian River on the first <br />day of Jenuary 19300, For the NOS: PENSION YM& s <br />o <br />To meet current expenses$ and for the general advertising of the County, the ram <br />of $1,52OoQ0p it is determined and bereby-declared that a tax rate of One half (r mill <br />upon -the dollar be levied, assessed and is hereby imposed upon all of the property in t <br />County of Indian River on the first day of danuery 1934, for the PUBLMM <br />According to the mMl age so determined, fixed and assessed, the total millage to <br />be entered in the column provided for County taxes in the assessment roll for ,the year <br />19301, is `mills upon the dollar, to cover a total estimated expenditure of <br />The Board then proceeded to fix the millage for Special Road and.Bridge Districts <br />under Section 1656 of Chapter- 129- Revised General Statutes, laws of Florida; and it was <br />determined that a tag rate of Four (4) mills on the dollar be levied and is hereby fixed <br />and assessed for the year 1930 on all of the property in the County of Indian River lyIW <br />and being within the boundaries of Speeial Road and Bridge District Bo. 1 for the Pur- <br />pose of paying interest and creating a sinking fund for the retirement . of the bonded dd <br />totraise the sum of $59720004 which boundaries are as follows, to -wits Beginning at the <br />North -gest corner of Indian River County; run thence East on County line to Range line <br />between Ranges 37 and 38; thence South on Range line between Ranges 37 and 38 to the <br />North-west corner of Sec. 19 Tp. 31 S. Re 38 E., thence South on section line between <br />Range line dividing Ranges 38 and 39 to the South-east corner of Tp 32 So Re 38 Bast, <br />thence west on Township kine to West boundary of Indian River County, thence North on <br />'fest boundary of Indian River County, to the point of begf#ning. <br />The Board then proceeded to sig the millage for Special Road & Bridge District No4 <br />under Section 1656 of Chapter 129 Revised general Statutes and it was determined that a <br />tag of Ten (10) mills on the dollar be levied and is hereby fixed and assessed for the <br />year 1934, ( to raise $317,540.40 )'on all of the property in the'County of Indian River` <br />lying and being within the boundaries of the said District for the purpose of Peak <br />Interest and creating a sinking fund for the retirement of the bonded debt; which bound <br />cries are as follows, to -wit: Commencing at the North-west corner of Seo, 6 Tp 32 S. R* <br />39 E., thence run Fast along Section lines to the water's edge of the Atlantic Ooea, <br />thence ran South-easterly along the edge of the Atlantic Ooean to the South line of Sec. <br />34 Tp. 33 So Re 44 E.; thence run Fest along Section lines to the S. W* corner of the <br />East half of the Pest half of Section 34 `Pp 33' S. R. 38 E., thence ron forth to the <br />North -gest corner of the Hest half of the Nest Half of Sec. 34 Tp. 33 S. R. 38 E., <br />N , <br />thence ran North to the North-west corner of Seo: 15 Tp. 33 S.`R« 38 E., thence ran best <br />to the South-west corner of Sec. 9 33 S. Re 38 Rep' thence run North to the North-west <br />� `rP s <br />corner of Seo. 9 Tp. 33 So Re 38 E.; thence r= west to the South-west corner of the <br />East half of Seo. 5 Tp 33 S., R, 38 Be',, thence run North to the North-west corner of East <br />half of Sac. 5 Tp. 33 S. Re 38 R., thence run East to the North-east corner of Section 1 <br />0 <br />0 <br />V. <br />1 <br />11 <br />I <br />
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