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Community Development Director Bob Keating gave, as an example, the lots in Vero Lake <br />Estates which are mostly under 10,000 square feet, which does not leave much opportunity to save <br />trees. There would be a significant amount of staff time involved in order to have staff assess each <br />building permit property. <br />Dr. Baker <br /> acknowledged that the County would need to hire additional staff; possibly 1 <br />person in the office for processing and 1 person in the field. <br /> Chairman Ginn commented that she would like to include properties which are being <br />redeveloped; such as properties where an older home is being torn down. She would like to see the <br />removal of massive oaks from these properties stopped. <br /> <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Neuberger, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Macht, to accept staff’s <br />recommendation. <br /> <br />Dr. Baker <br /> questioned the amount of time involved in this process, and Community <br />Development Director Bob Keating assured him that the process will move expeditiously and that <br />the Audubon Society will be included in the process. <br /> <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED THE QUESTION and the <br />Motion passed by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Adams <br />absent). (The Board approved the proposed amendments <br />to Chapter 927, Tree Protection and Land Clearing, to <br />include the changes identified as “county staff comments” <br />and directed staff to initiate the formal process for <br />amending Chapter 927 using staff’s proposed amendments, <br />all as recommended by staff). <br />JUNE 15, 2004 12 <br /> <br />