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7. BOARD QUESTIONS <br />Commissioner Davis asked if the C-25 canal, in St. Lucie County, was primarily <br />used to discharge water in the event of flooding. Dr. Gleason confirmed that it was used for <br />flood control and water supply. <br />Commissioner Davis wanted to know the correct process for permitting regarding <br />surface water retention. Dr. Gleason emphasized that the County should coordinate all work <br />with SJRWMD and seek their assistance in evaluating which source to use because they are <br />involved in the permitting of the project. <br />Vice Chair Bowden voiced concerns over water quality and wanted to know how <br />the County's water was rated. Dr. Gleason reported that the water quality is rated high. <br />Chairman Wheeler wanted clarification on the water when it is taken from the <br />ocean versus the boulder zone. Dr Gleason pointed out that the ocean water would need to go <br />through a coagulation process to remove the organisms before it could be processed through the <br />membrane system, but the boulder zone water probably would not. <br />Chairman Wheeler asked if the technology for converting ocean or boulder zone <br />water would be more cost effective in the near future. Dr. Gleason affirmed that membrane <br />technology continues to improve; however, energy costs continue to increase making it very <br />expensive to convert ocean water. <br />Chairman Wheeler asked for an explanation pertaining to water cost and what <br />would be included. Dr. Gleason responded that the cost for the Upper Floridan Aquifer would <br />include the wells, water treatment, operation maintenance, construction of all the engineering <br />costs, as well as the energy cost, but it would not include the cost for the water leaving the plant. <br />8 <br />June 21, 2007 <br />ALTERNATIVE WATER SUPPY <br />MASTER PLAN PUBLIC WORKSHOP <br />