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ON MOTION BY COMMISSIONER DEESON, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER <br />Loy, THE BOARD UNANIMOUSLY ACCEPTED THE HIGH BID SUBMITTED by LINDA <br />MCLAIN FOR $7,610.00 FOR LOT 25, BLOCK 4, SEBASTIAN GROVE ESTATES, <br />AS ADVERTISED IN THE NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE ON FEBRUARY I AND <br />8, 1980 IN THE VERO BEACH PRESS JOURNAL. <br />THE BOARD NEXT DISCUSSED A REQUEST FROM THE INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE SQUAD, AS FOLLOWS: <br />_grzehan �CVZ't C.:OU12ty = iE'L GJ41I2L7uLaIYCg ::�uad <br />P. 0.'60X 1714 <br />%'10 Stack V40TLL - 3296o <br />i�' <br />February 14, 1980 <br />W.W. Siebert Jr., Chairman <br />Indian River County Commission <br />Vero Beach, FL 32960 <br />Honorable Chairman Siebert: <br />Early in 1972 the then Board of Directors of the I.R.C. Volunteer Ambulan-e Squar, <br />recognized the need for a Beach Station. Plans were prepared and a site was sel- <br />ected on city owned property. Dormitory quarters were not included as round the <br />clock scc%i--e was not required at that time. The proposition was presented to the <br />County Commission and approved at a cost of approximately $10,000 to be paid by <br />them. The building was completed in August 1972 and is owned by the County. The - <br />city owned property is on a long term lease of $1.00. <br />Early in 1978 our Board reviewed the needs for providing dormitory quarters at the <br />Beach Station. <br />Lace in 1.978 rough sketches and cost guesstimates were obtained. <br />Late 1979 we secured final drawings and cost proposals with the rapid and conthi- <br />uing growth both North and South on the beach area it is now apparent that 24 hon. - <br />service is essential and require dormitory facilities. <br />Our volunteers .are ready and anxious to provide this additional emergency service. <br />We respectively request that the County provide funds in the amount of $7400.00 <br />to accomplish this program. <br />Four (4) extra copies included <br />Copy of proposed alterations <br />Very truly yours, <br />C, r <br />A.R.T. <br />Chairman of the Board <br />FEB 2 0195 80,01 42- QAc"f %Q5. <br />13 <br />