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The Board noted the elections of Mr. Fred Plair as Chairman, and Mr. Wayne <br />Coment as Vice Chairman of the Board of Zoning Adjustment for the year 2007. <br />No Board Action required or taken. <br />7.1. RESIGNATION OF JOHN T. BERRIGAN FROM THE BEACH AND SHORE <br />ADVISORY COMMITTEE, MARINE ADVISORY NARROWS WATERSHED <br />ACTION COMMITTEE, AND TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL <br />The Board accepted the resignation of Mr. John T. "Jack" Berrigan from the <br />following Committees: <br />• Beach and Shore Advisory Committee - term expiring January 2008; <br />• Marine Advisory Narrows Watershed Action Committee - term expiring <br />January 2008; and <br />• Tourist Development Council - term expiring January 2010 <br />7.J COUNTY CERTIFICATION OPTING INTO STATE FUNDING FOR <br />REPLACEMENT VOTING MACHINES <br />Chairman Wheeler had concerns about the replacing the machines, and the <br />ultimately cost to the County. Attorney Collins understood that the State would contribute about <br />$400,000.00 to purchase new machines. He believed the machines would cost much more than <br />that, but this was an opportunity to get some funding. <br />Chairman Wheeler asked Administrator Baird if this could be considered an <br />unfunded mandate, to which he replied, "Yes." He estimated this would cost $2 to $2.5 million <br />and the State would give us $400,000.00. The Board discussed whether they had a choice in <br />getting the new machines. <br />July 10, 2007 7 <br />