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favor of the people of Hobart Landings. He was told that the Kennedys were going to limit ingress <br />and egress through the Church property and that was a major concern of the residents. <br />Mr. Barkett objected to Mr. Lambert's latter comments, as heresy. <br />Ray Scent felt the Board needed to make a decision on whether the request is <br />reasonable under the law, and whether it is compatible. <br />Joe Mason, resident, talked about safety of children and increased traffic concerns. <br />Cheryl Barkwell 3546 Marthas Lane, Hobart Landings, was concerned about the <br />impact to their subdivision. She urged the Board to leave the zoning as is. <br />Richard Hall, President, Heritage Trace at Hobart Homeowners Association, <br />believed the applicant has failed to show overriding public interest for the Board to change zoning. <br />He opposed the request, and urged the Board to uphold Planning & Zoning's decision. <br />There were no other speakers and the Chairman closed the public hearing. <br />Commissioner Davis discussed the differences between the zoning changes. He <br />thought the diversification of a product along the US 1 corridor would be a benefit. Although not <br />opposed to the requested change, he thought P&Z was correct that we should try to combine both. <br />He was in favor of allowing the CG zoning request. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan believed property owners have the right to the best use of <br />their properties regardless of the profit level; however, that has to be balanced by impacts on <br />neighboring property owners. He did not want to see the County end up in litigation if they <br />up -zone the property and a permitted use application comes before the Board later, and they turn it <br />July 10, 2007 22 <br />