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package, as recommended in the memorandum of June 27, <br />2007. <br />WORK ORDER ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />12. COUNTY ATTORNEY MATTERS <br />A. BOND REFERENDUM FOR PIPER RETENTION <br />County Attorney William Collins explained that on June 21, 2007, the Board of <br />County Commissioners and Vero Beach City Council unanimously approved an incentive package <br />to retain Piper Aircraft. A part of that involved the issuance of a $40 million General Obligation <br />Bonds, which would be used to reconstruct Piper's manufacturing facilities and construct <br />additional facilities for a new jet that they are proposing to build, as well as, to purchase the <br />property with a leaseback arrangement to Piper. He asked the Board to approve and authorize the <br />Chairman to execute the resolution, and to forward a certified copy of said resolution to the <br />Supervisor of Elections notifying her, and to obtain her consent to call the Special Election for the <br />purpose of approving the General Obligation Bonds. <br />Supervisor of Elections Kay Clem said the law requires her to get 30 days notice, <br />but she would like to have 45 days to send out overseas ballots. She acknowledged that sixty (60) <br />days would be sufficient time to get things ready. To Commissioner Davis's question of how <br />much time would be needed for individuals who are not registered, Mrs. Clem said twenty-nine <br />(29) days. Attorney Collins pointed out that the Tuesday nearest to 60 days, September 11, would <br />be a horrible day to set an election. Chairman Wheeler thought 90 days would give them an <br />opportunity to educate the public and have things available. He stated that October 9, 2007, would <br />be the election date. <br />July 10, 2007 31 <br />