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Commissioner O'Bryan suggested additional language to the title language of the <br />resolution to read, ... " ... to finance the cost of acquisition, renovation of exiting facilities and <br />construction of additional facilities." <br />Vice Chair Bowden inquired whether they were talking about new and/or used <br />facilities. Administrator Baird explained that they were looking at purchasing the existing <br />facilities, renovating their existing facilities, and maybe building an additional facility on the <br />property that purchased. <br />Charlie Wilson, 1057 6th Avenue, said he had not made up his mind if he was for or <br />against this process. He complimented Ms. Chandler on the work the Chamber has done. Mr. <br />Wilson recounted how Port St. Lucie's Trauma Tax failed because the people believed the <br />information was rushed to the ballot, and they were not fully apprised of the issues. He cited as the <br />largest objection of the people, putting taxpayers' money into private business. Mr. Wilson <br />hoped the Board would consider that, and felt that as long as the community knows the benefits, <br />and thinks they have had a fair conversation, and a chance at this, they might vote for the Piper <br />referendum. <br />Administrator Baird assured Mr. Wilson that staff plans to make the public aware. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner O'Bryan, Seconded by <br />Commissioner Davis, to approve the Resolution with <br />modifications to add the word "existing" in the Title, and to <br />set a 90 -day window for the election. <br />Mr. Kennedy announced that they would be doing a "Piper Night" baseball game <br />on July 30th at Dodgers Stadium. Admission is free, and the gates open at 6:00 p.m., with game <br />time at 7:00 p.m. game. Piper's CEO Jim Bass would throw the first pitch. <br />July 10, 2007 34 <br />