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<br /> Public Defender Diamond Litty <br /> expressed her thanks and told of the work done by her <br />office. <br /> Court Administrator Thomas A. Genung <br /> advised that he sent over his amended budget <br />last week for an additional $1,641 but it was not included in the Administration’s proposed <br />budget. He advised that the amendment was made at the request of the Chief Judge so the judges <br />could hold a retreat to provide better service locally. It also included money for State of Florida <br />seals that the State would not provide. <br /> Administrator Baird took the position that the request did not make the deadline and that <br />it should be covered in the Article V money. <br /> <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Davis, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Lowther, to not include <br />the request for an additional $1,641 in the proposed <br />budget for Court Administration. <br /> <br /> Mr. Genung <br />Under discussion stated the funds would come out of “court innovations” <br />funds. <br /> Director Brown explained the source of funding and that the revenue to that fund was <br />already less than the proposed budget. He believed the County should not get into a position of <br />starting to pick up the tab. <br /> Administrator Baird asked if Mr. Genung could re-prioritize his budget and cut <br />something else. He thought Mr. Genung could give more detailed information and emphasized <br />the deadline. <br />th <br /> Mr. Genung <br />explained that the 19 Judicial Circuit is in transition and the Chief Judge <br />has a vision to make it one of the leading Circuits in the State. In order to do that, the judges <br />need to get together for a judicial and administrative retreat for consensus building. If this is not <br />approved, he might have to come back to the Board. <br /> Discussion ensued with more facts and figures and amounts being requested from other <br />counties in the District. <br /> <br />July 12, 2006 <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />