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<br /> <br />Frank Coffey <br /> understood the Gifford Library is a part of the library system. He <br />encouraged the Commissioners to take a hard look at putting it under the County’s library <br />system. <br />County Administrator Baird explained how the funding has been allocated. It was <br />suggested that we work toward making it better next year but to keep it as is now. <br />th <br />Freddy Woolfork <br />, 4590 57 Avenue, appreciates all the County’s assistance but <br />when the pool came on line, the recreation staff was moved. Since the activities dwindled the <br />participation has decreased. The idea is to have programs to lure the kids in off the street and <br />teach them once they begin to participate. <br />Crystal Beujold <br />, Vero Beach, asked the Board to consider the importance of the <br />GYAC in directing minds of young people away from the street in terms of culture and <br />community affairs. <br />Joseph Ortiz <br />, the new Executive Director for the Homeless Family Center, <br />appreciated past support and wanted to make the Board aware that they are struggling with basic <br />needs for the homeless children of Indian River County and are turning away an average of five <br />individuals per day because of limited resources and space of the Center. <br />Mr. Coffey <br /> spoke in opposition to funding two new requests: Catholic Charities of <br />Diocese – Samaritan Center because they have only one director on their board living in Indian <br />River County; and World Changers. He believed it inappropriate to support these requests and <br />urged full evaluation. <br />Julie Keenan <br />, Program Administrator at the Samaritan Center, clarified that two <br />County people now are on their Board of Directors. <br />County Administrator Baird explained the County would fund the materials used <br />by the World Changers; he recommended it because he personally saw the wonderful job they <br />did in West Wabasso (fixing homes post hurricanes). <br />Rev. McIntosh <br /> of Gifford spoke on behalf of World Changers and gave examples <br />of how children and adults provided tangible assistance for the residents of West Wabasso out of <br />their own pockets. <br />July 13, 2005 10 <br /> <br /> <br />