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<br /> <br />(10.7% above rollback). He gave an overview of the numbers and explained the reason for <br />increases. He listed the new positions in departments under the Board with an overall budget <br />decrease of $321,283 (-1.83%). He read the recommended dollar amount for each office as <br />listed on page 21 and explained as necessary. In response to Chairman Lowther, he advised that <br />he is looking at reorganization of the Parks and Recreation Departments later in the year. <br />In response to Commissioner Neuberger, County Administrator Baird explained <br />that proposed budgets for Communications, Emergency Management, and Buildings & Grounds <br />were down because of the hurricanes’ inflated effect on the current fiscal year’s budgets. He <br />also explained the effect of Article V on the Clerk’s budget. <br />Chairman Lowther was pleased that Indian River County was one of the few <br />counties that did not have to borrow money after the hurricanes, and County Administrator Baird <br />added that Indian River County has been putting aside a little money each year for a natural <br />disaster and it finally happened. Commissioner Wheeler recalled the criticism when this practice <br />was first started. <br />Mr. Coffey <br /> was concerned about future operating cost at the joint library facility <br />that will be built at the Mueller Campus at Indian River Community College. <br />There was also discussion about a library in south county and the Gifford Library. <br /> <br />MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT (M.S.T.U.) <br />County Administrator Baird explained this is a taxing fund for the unincorporated <br />area and similar to the municipalities’ millage. The proposed budget is $27,260,610 an increase <br />of $2,077,486 or 8.3%. <br /> <br />TRANSPORTATION FUND <br />County Administrator Baird explained this fund is related to our Road & Bridge, <br />Public Works, Engineering, Traffic Engineering and Stormwater and it derives about 70% from <br />July 13, 2005 3 <br /> <br /> <br />