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Commissioner Solari recalled that the Commission had previously discussed having the <br />municipalities pay their own fire hydrant maintenance costs, and inquired whether the $161,550 <br />line item for fire hydrant and valve maintenance could be transferred to the contingency line <br />item. He noted that this year's EMS budget reduction had been done by substantially reducing <br />the Capital Budget basically to 0, and that a 0% Capital budget is not sustainable, thus next <br />year's reductions in the EMS Department would be harder to accomplish. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Solari, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Wheeler, to move the <br />$161,550 from the "Hydrants and Valves Maintenance" <br />line item, to the "Reserve for Contingency" line item, <br />within the Fire Rescue category. <br />Administrator Baird confirmed that the Board could take the above action. <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION, and the <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Responding to Commissioner Wheeler's query, Administrator Baird explained that there <br />was a decrease in the number of people in fire prevention, and there are two Emergency Services <br />supervisors who were going to be moved to help fill the new positions at Station 12. However, if <br />the Board wishes to keep the EMS Supervisors, one fire -medic could be added for an additional <br />$62,000. <br />Commissioner Wheeler discussed the importance of having the EMS Supervisors in what <br />are often life or death situations. <br />July 23, 2009 9 <br />