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budgeted at $4,793,098, with a millage of 0.3154 for the Land Acquisition Bonds — 2004 <br />Referendum. <br />STREETLIGHTING DISTRICTS <br />Administrator Baird announced that the fees for all the streetlighting districts would <br />remain the same as last year. Referring to pages 44-45 of the backup, he recounted the proposed <br />Revenues and Per Parcel/Acre charges for each of the eighteen street lighting districts. <br />OTHER M.S.B.U. <br />Administrator Baird reported that the East Gifford Stormwater M.S.B.U. proposed budget <br />remains the same at $1,995, with a $15.00 per Parcel/Acre charge, and the Vero Lake Estates <br />M.S.B.U. (for roads and drainage) proposed budget is $439,077, an increase of $1,856 with a <br />$19.00 per Parcel/Acre charge. <br />Freddie Woolfork, representing the Progressive Civic League of Gifford, asked the <br />Commissioners to assist the residents in obtaining a streetlight for which they have been waiting <br />two years. Administrator Baird assured Mr. Woolfork that he would have Assistant Public <br />Works Director Chris Mora set up a meeting with FPL. <br />INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS <br />Administrator Baird announced the proposed budgets for the following: Fleet <br />Management -- $3,367,491, a $494,227 reduction from last year; Self -Insurance Fund (Risk <br />Management) -- $6,050,448, a $1,045,857 decrease from last year; Employee Health Insurance -- <br />$13,889,546, a $576,858 reduction; and for the Geographic Info Systems (GIS) Department -- <br />$760,815, a $164,495 reduction. <br />Administrator Baird informed the Board that the budget presentation was running ahead <br />of schedule and suggested the Board review the Enterprise and Miscellaneous budgets that were <br />scheduled for tomorrow. The Commissioners had no objection. <br />July 23, 2009 13 <br />