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2005/2006 and 2006/2007 dollars, when the Department was being impacted by upward crime <br />trends in today's economy. <br />Commissioner Solari outlined his reasons for supporting Commissioner O'Bryan's <br />suggestion to fund ten of the twenty vacancies in Corrections. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Solari, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner O'Bryan: (1) to fund ten <br />(10) of the twenty (20) Corrections Officer vacancies, <br />bringing down to thirty-one (3 1) the total vacancies in <br />the Sheriff's Department, and (2) to fund the two call <br />taker positions from the 911 surtax. <br />Further deliberations between Commissioners and staff ensued on proposed adjustments <br />to the Sheriff's budget. Administrator Baird announced that Director Brown would recalculate <br />the Sheriff's budget based on the elimination of ten Corrections officer vacancies for $600,000, <br />funding of $80,000 for two call taker vacancies from the 911 surcharge funds, and $242,871 paid <br />by the Sheriff (for their New World System) to the County, which would increase the Sheriff's <br />budget by about $922,000, and that an additional $700,000 would be added from the fund <br />reserves. <br />Vice Chairman Flescher declared that although it would be great to save the $600,000 <br />resulting from the elimination of ten Corrections Officer positions, he did not feel that this was <br />the right place to save that money. <br />Although endorsing Commissioner O'Bryan's idea to eliminate ten Corrections Officer <br />positions, Chairman Davis and Commissioner Wheeler assured Sheriff Loar that they would <br />support the additional ten positions, should that become necessary. <br />July 23, 2009 20 <br />